
The RMI options can be passed to the proxy.agent() function and the Agent or Stub constructor. When options passed to either the proxy.agent() or Agent constructor, they apply to all RMI calls unless they are overridden in the Stub constructor.

These options are as follows:


The asynchronous RMI reply address. Eg: amq.direct/test-queue
Specifies trigger used for RMI calls. (0=auto <default>, 1=manual)
The shared secret (security)
The TTL (seconds) for the agent to accept the RMI request.
The time (seconds) to wait (block) for a result.
A progress callback specified for synchronous RMI. Must have signature: fn(report).
A user (name), used for PAM authenticated access to remote methods.
A password, used for PAM authenticated access to remote methods.
A subclass of pulp.messaging.auth.Authenticator that provides message authentication.
User defined data associated with the RMI request and is round-tripped.



The reply option specifies the reply address. When specified, it implies all requests are asynchronous and that all replies are sent to the AMQP address.

Example: Assume a reply listener on the topic or queue named: “foo”:

Passed to Agent() and apply to all RMI calls.

from gofer.proxy import Agent

agent = Agent(url, uuid, reply='foo')


The trigger option specifies the trigger used for asynchronous RMI. When the trigger is specified as manual, the RMI calls return a trigger object instead of the request serial number. Each trigger contains a sn (serial number) property that can be used for reply correlation. The trigger is pulled by calling the trigger as: trigger().

Trigger values:

  • 0 = Automatic (default)
  • 1 = Manual

Passed to Agent() and apply to all RMI calls.

from gofer.proxy import Agent

agent = Agent(uuid, trigger=1)
dog = agent.Dog()
trigger = dog.bark('delayed!')
print trigger.sn      # do something with serial number
trigger()             # pull the trigger


The secret option is used to provide shared secret credentials to each RMI call. This option is only used for agent plugin RMI methods where a secret is specified as required.

Examples: Assume the agent has a plugin with methods decorated with a secret=’foobar’

Passed to Agent() and apply to all RMI calls.

from gofer.proxy import Agent

agent = Agent(url, uuid, secret='foobar')

ttl and wait

The ttl option is used to specify the RMI call lifespan. The ttl is the time in seconds for the agent to accept the request. The message TTL (time-to-live) is set to the ttl for both synchronous and asynchronous RMI calls. Additionally, for synchronous RMI, the caller is blocked for the number of seconds specified in the wait option. The default timeout is 10 seconds and the default wait for synchronous RMI is 90 seconds. A wait=0 indicates that the stub should not block and wait for a reply.

The timeout and wait can be a string and supports a suffix to define the unit of time. The supported units are as follows:

  • s : seconds
  • m : minutes
  • h : hours
  • d : days

Passed to Agent() and apply to all RMI calls.

from gofer.proxy import Agent

# TTL 5 seconds
agent = Agent(url, uuid, ttl=5)

# TTL 5 minutes
agent = Agent(url, uuid, ttl=5m)

# TTL 30 seconds, wait for 5 seconds
agent = Agent(url, uuid, ttl=30, wait=5)


The user and password options are used to provide PAM authentication credentials to each RMI call. This option is only used for agent plugin RMI methods decorated with @pam or @user. This is really just a short-hand for the pam option.

Examples: Assume the agent has a plugin with methods decorated with @pam(user=’root’)

Passed to Agent() and apply to all RMI calls.

from gofer.proxy import Agent

agent = Agent(url, uuid, user='root', password='xxx')