Release Notes

gofer 2.12


  • Support python 2.7+ and 3.2+
  • Python < 2.7 no longer supported.


  • [2.12.1] Reload plugin when queue not-found or no-route condition is detected.


gofer 2.11


  • Exit handler terminate threads.


  • Fix compatibility python-amqp 2.1.4 Channel.wait().


gofer 2.10


  • Added support for soft plugin shutdown. Mainly internal API enhancement but improves behavior of plugin unload and reload. Both operations now do a soft shutdown by default.
  • The thread-pool design improved.


  • The hard plugin/thread-pool shutdown aborted threads which caused reply messages to silently never be sent. Only affected unload and reload operations.


gofer 2.9


  • Added direct and fork plugin decorators used to specify the RMI invocation model. Using one of these decorators is preferred to using the model= parameter to the remote decorator.
  • Added memory profiler to metrics.
  • Added context manager to Timer and associated decorator.



gofer 2.8


  • Added support for RMI invocation models. The direct model is the default and invokes the remote method within the goferd process. This is the model used by <= 2.7. The new fork model spawns a child process for each method invocation. Invoking the method in a separate process provides isolation and better cancellation behavior. The isolation protects goferd against memory leaks and corruption potentially introduced by plugins (or code used by plugins). When using the fork model, RMI cancellation is implemented by killing the child process. As a result cancellation is certain and immediate regardless of whether cancellation is implemented by the method. See: direct and fork decorators.


  • Proton message sending reliability regression introduced in 2.7.


gofer 2.7


  • Add gofer command for interaction with goferd. See: man gofer for details. Packaged in gofer-tools. See newly added [management] section of /etc/pulp/agent.conf.
  • Plugin monitoring removed. Use gofer.agent.PluginContainer.load() and gofer.agent.PluginContainer.unload() instead.
  • Added @load and @unload decorators. Plugins can participate in plugin loading and unloading.
  • The package plugin has been rewritten to shell out instead of using the yum library. Much simpler.
  • The module added. This can be used by plugins to easily and consistently provide functionality when using external commands is needed. Supports cancellation, progress reporting and returns stdout and stderr. The system and package plugins converted to use this.
  • Improved debug logging in messaging adaptor reliability packages. This helps with troubleshooting AMQP issues.
  • Added latency property to the [main] section of the plugin descriptor. Adding latency can be used for throttling and widening the request cancellation window.
  • Canceled RMI requests discarded just prior to execution. Plugin still responsible for canceling requests already in progress.
  • Reference plugins no longer packaged. The test plugin renamed to demo and not enabled by default.
  • Dynamic plugin loading, reloading and unloading improved.
  • As with every release, better unit test coverage.


  • Minor memory leak fixed. The leak was ~384 bytes per request.
  • Fixes issue whereby locally stored requests are routed to a plugin that no longer specifies a URL. The requests are discarded.
  • AMQP connections used by plugin thread pool workers closed between requests. These connections can be idle/unused for long periods. Closing them reduces the number of open network connections.


  • The uuid in the [messaging] section of the plugin descriptor has been deprecated. Use [model] queue instead.

  • The @initializer decorator has been deprecated. Use @load instead.

  • Authorization has been support. It will continue to support authentication. This includes:

    • Shared secret. The secret option in the @remote decorator.
    • The @pam decorator.
    • The @user decorator.
    • The pam property in the message.

gofer 2.6


  • Fixed recursion issue in proton adapter reconnect logic.
  • Add support for dynamic plugin loading, reloading and unloading.
  • Add plugin monitoring. When enabled in agent.conf, the agent container will monitor the /etc/gofer/plugins directory for changes to plugin descriptors. When a descriptor has changed, the plugin is reloaded. When a new descriptor is found, the plugin is loaded. When a plugin descriptor is deleted, the plugin is unloaded. See [main] monitor property in agent.conf.
  • Decentralized RMI scheduling. Each plugin has its own scheduler.
  • Add support for RMI request forwarding to other plugins. Requests can be forwarded to other plugins when they cannot be satisfied by the target plugin. See [main] accept and forward properties for details.
  • Much better AMQP connection management. When plugins are unloaded, all associated AMQP connections are closed.
  • Add services API to the system plugin. The Service class supports start, restart, stop and status operations on services.
  • The python-gofer-qpid package Requires: python-ssl. Needed so that python-qpid will support SSL.


  • The maintenance window feature and associated properties.

gofer 2.5


  • Added the python-gofer-proton messaging adapter. The adapter supports AMQP 1.0 and use the Apache Qpid proton library.
  • The gofer.messaging.Exchange and gofer.messaging.Queue now support an additional url parameter which is used when url is not passed to specific method.
  • NotFound raised when an AMQP node (queue) does not exist. See messaging.adapter.model for details on affected methods.


  • Using gofer.proxy.agent() has been deprecated.

gofer 2.4


  • AMQP Message durability fixed in python-amqp adapter.
  • Added support for plugin descriptor properties that specifies the level to which the agent manages the broker model. Specifically, how the agent manages its request queue. The [messaging] exchange property was replace by support in the new [model] section documented below. See: descriptor documentation for details.
  • Thread pool distribution fixed so that idle worker threads are selected when available.
  • The python-amqplib AMQP library is no longer supported. It was redundant to support for python-amqp which is better maintained and widely available. This means that the python-gofer-amqplib package is no longer provided. Further that, AMQP-0-8 is no longer supported. This functionality can be resurrected on community request.
  • The amqp adapter (python-amqp) updated to use EPOLL and basic_consume() instead of using dynamic polling and basic_get().
  • By default, the proxy (caller) will no longer declare the agent queue. Since the address really specifies AMQP routing (exchange/queue), gofer cannot assume the queue name or properties. The agent declaration and binding is the responsibility of the agent or the (caller) application.
  • The qpid adapter enables qpid heartbeat option on connections.

Added [model] section with the following properties:

  • managed - Defines level of broker model management.
  • queue - The name of the request queue.
  • exchange - An (optional) exchange. The exchange is not declared/deleted.

gofer 2.3


  • Support for custom AMQP exchanges added. This includes an additional exchange option passed by callers to indicate the exchange to be used for temporary queues used for synchronous replies. For plugins, the descriptor was augmented to support an exchange property in the [messaging] section.

gofer 2.2

Not Released.

gofer 2.1

Not Released.

gofer 2.0

The 2.0 major release and contains API changes, minor message format changes and the removal of deprecated functionality. The goal of this release was to overhaul and streamline may major component and flows. This release also contains hundreds of new unit integration and unit tests as part of a major effort to reach 100% test coverage.


  • The agent thread pool was replaced with Queue based approach.
  • Support for multiple messaging libraries. Standard messaging adapter model that uses delegation pattern instead of python meta-classes. Much better.

Concept changes

  • The transport concept was replaced with messaging adapters. Each adapter implements an interface defined in the adapter model and provides integration with 3rd part AMQP messaging libraries. The transport option and descriptor property replaced with rich protocol handler support in the URL. See documented URL.
  • All options are only supported when creating the agent proxy. They are no longer supported when constructing the stub. This semantic is not reserved for passing arguments to the remote object (class) constructor.
  • The agent uuid is being phased out. RMI calls are routed to the agent based on the queue on which it was received. This term is being replaced by more AMQP related terms and concepts. An address has the format of: exchange/queue or queue.
  • Support for agent broadcast was removed. This feature was deemed as not useful since most applications do not track requests using the serial number. Also, this can be easily implemented by the caller. Removed to make code paths and the API simpler.

API changes

There are API changes that affect both RMI calling (proxy) and the Plugin object exposed to agent plugins. Proxy changes pertain to the options passed to the Agent class and the Stubs created.

The Agent constructor changed from: Agent(uuid, **options) to: Agent(url, address, **options).

Example (adapter = qpid):

url = qpid+amqp://localhost

Option changes:

  • async - Removed.
  • wait - Added and indicates how long the caller is blocked on calls.
  • timeout - Replaced by ttl.
  • ttl - Added and replaces timeout. Strictly applies to request (and message) TTL.
  • ctag - Replaced by reply.
  • reply - Replaces ctag and is an AMQP address that specifies where RMI replies are sent.
  • any - Removed and replaced by data.
  • data - User defined data that is round-tripped back to the caller. Replaces any.
  • transport - Replaced with rich protocol handlers supported by the URL.

Plugin (class) changes

All accessor methods replaced with @property and appear as attributes.

Here are a few major methods affected:

  • enabled()
  • get_uuid()
  • get_url()
  • get_cfg()

gofer 1.4

Here is a summary of 1.0 changes:

  • Support for multiple transports was added.
  • Message authentication added.
  • The accepted status reply was added.
  • The watchdog as removed.
  • An ISO 8601 timestamp is included in all reply messages.